【自助婚紗 擎天崗-淡水】旭峰 & 方蒨 | 自然風格 底片風格

依稀記得我們聊天時,旭峰淡淡地說出”我想要給她不一樣的婚紗” 從他的眼神中,回想到自己 我可以體會他說這句話背後的語重心長 因為我也曾在自己的心裡發願過,我一定要給她一個衣食無虞的生活 那種心情有點像是,對於現況的無奈與未來的不確定 但沒有放棄自己,反而想要更努力地去實現 才會把現在能夠做到的,就使盡全力地給 這是旭峰給她的愛,這只有男孩才會給的浪漫

【日常生活】MyLife | 2016-0202-0419

照片是記憶的盒子 在翻閱的過程中,憶起那時候的感受 去年的過年前 我開始喜歡閃燈直打所營造的感覺 有一種遊走在寫實與虛幻之間的灰色地帶 看似清晰明亮的輪廓,但是背後的黑影,彷彿藏著某種神祕的訊息 尤其是用底片,那種感覺更是強烈 說是復古也好、頹廢也可以 那種游離的感覺,讓我充滿好奇

【家庭記錄 新北-永和】伊雅一家 | 自然風格 底片風格

這是我堂姊的一家人 為什麼要在一開始,就要這樣介紹 那是因為撰寫這篇文章是很特別的 寫的是我對親人的感受 寫的是我對兒時的記憶 寫的是我對因果的分析 只要有一點點的不真誠,就絕對無法放過我自己 這樣的想法光是下筆起頭,就修修改改好幾次 是詞窮也好,是不敢面對也好,遲遲無法寫出自己真實的感觸 反而冷靜的過了一陣子,詳細地去回想自己兒時的記憶與感受,也總算理出一些頭緒 才發現有許許多多的因素組合,決定了現在我與家族之間的關係 原來上一輩的恩怨情仇,讓我排斥回去鄉下 原來老爸的賭氣倔強,造就了我與同輩之間的疏離感 這不是怪罪我老爸他們,畢竟這也綜合著自己的問題 只是自己真正的查覺,家人之間的情緒、思[…]

【日常生活 攝影概念】這條路上-Part 01 | 自然風格 底片風格

這條路上,我們都知道會有很多美麗的風景 這條路上,我們都會遇到許許多多的狀況 不管你選擇哪條路,都一樣 那時候可能是學生時期遺留下來的刻板印象,讓自己選擇拿起相機的吧 也許是那個時候有著莫名的衝動,就是想要拍些什麼、記錄些什麼 這種莫名的衝動,應該就是大家口中的初衷吧 但真正感到拍照是有樂趣的,卻是一台針孔相機


Moxhe is probably going to go down as one of my favourite meals of the year for both food and atmosphere. The food itself find that almost every dish everyday function Moxhe is probably going to go down as one of my favourite meals of the year for both food and atmosphere. The food itself find that […]


Moxhe is probably going to go down as one of my favourite meals of the year for both food and atmosphere. The food itself find that almost every dish everyday function Moxhe is probably going to go down as one of my favourite meals of the year for both food and atmosphere. The food itself find that […]


oxhe is probably going to go down as one of my favourite meals of the year for both food and atmosphere. The food itself find that almost every dish everyday function Moxhe is probably going to go down as one of my favourite meals of the year for both food and atmosphere. The food itself find that a[…]


Moxhe is probably going to go down as one of my favourite meals of the year for both food and atmosphere. The food itself find that almost every dish everyday function Moxhe is probably going to go down as one of my favourite meals of the year for both food and atmosphere. The food itself find that […]


Moxhe is probably going to go down as one of my favourite meals of the year for both food and atmosphere. The food itself find that almost every dish everyday function Moxhe is probably going to go down as one of my favourite meals of the year for both food and atmosphere. The food itself find that […]


Moxhe is probably going to go down as one of my favourite meals of the year for both food and atmosphere. The food itself find that almost every dish everyday function Moxhe is probably going to go down as one of my favourite meals of the year for both food and atmosphere. The food itself find that […]